ただ、Twitterのコミュニティで情報交換するのはちょっとめんどくさい所があり、FriendFeedにzooomr_fan on Twitterというアカウントを作成しましたので、これをフォローして頂くと、コミュニティでどんな発言があったのかFriendFeed上でチェックする事が出来ます。
これを活用して頂くと、FriendFeedでzooomr_fanコミュニティの発言が流れて来たときに、その発言の下のCommmentをクリックしていただき、Also send this comment as an @reply twitter from your accountにチェックをつけて書き込むと、自動的に頭に@zooomr_fanが付いて、FriendFeed上でこのコミュニティを利用する事が出来ます。
Automatic translation
The community of Zooomr was made with twicco.
The community of Zooomr was established in Twitter by using it though it was twicco that got
into the news recently.
If the usage follows zooomr_fan with Twitter, and puts up @zooomr_fan to the head of the remark, the remark is displayed in the time all people when zooomr_fan is followed line.
If @zooomr_fan is put up to the head, this community can be used because the remark with Fotorc flows to Twitter if the account of Twitter can be set by the item of the external service of the setting even in writing from Zooomr.
However, because exchanging information in the community of Twitter has the place for a moment, it can be checked what remark you are in the community when the account named zooomr_fan on Twitter is made for FriendFeed, and this is followed on FriendFeed.
Commment under the remark is clicked when the remark of the zooomr_fan community flows by FriendFeed when this is used, @zooomr_fan adheres to the head automatically when writing it applying the check to Also send this comment as an @reply twitter from your account, and this community can be used on FriendFeed.
However, though it is regrettable that this community of Twitter has some time lags to reaching of the remark after it writes it to the member.
The community readily thinks information etc. on the Web service that uses information and the photograph of the thing, photograph exhibition concerning Zooomr, and the camera for them to be able to make remarks.
Please use it by all means.
What translated automatically is put on the member in the foreign country what.. coming
again because it seems to be seemed that.
To what translation for a moment though it is .... scary.
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